giovedì 16 ottobre 2014

ROBIN: Fan & Art Tribute to Robin Williams - Mad Artist Publishing (Book By Marcin Migdal)

ROBIN: Fan & Art Tribute to Robin Williams

My little tribute to Robin Williams has been selected to be part of the book : ROBIN: Fan & Art Tribute to Robin Williams...take a look at page 75 !!! I hope you like it.

Mad Artist Publishing, Sketchoholic came together with their members to create a book of drawings, paintings, illustrations  depicting Mr. Robin Williams portraits and caricatures from his acting roles over his decades in the entertainment industry. We're donating a portion of net sale profits to charity St. Jude's Children Research Hospital and Depression Alliance. - See more at:
 This is the link where you can find it, a portion of net sale profits will be donated to charity:

a portion of net sale profits to charity St. Jude's Children Research Hospital and Depression Alliance. - See more at:
Mad Artist Publishing, Sketchoholic came together with their members to create a book of drawings, paintings, illustrations  depicting Mr. Robin Williams portraits and caricatures from his acting roles over his decades in the entertainment industry. We're donating a portion of net sale profits to charity St. Jude's Children Research Hospital and Depression Alliance. - See more at:
Mad Artist Publishing, Sketchoholic came together with their members to create a book of drawings, paintings, illustrations  depicting Mr. Robin Williams portraits and caricatures from his acting roles over his decades in the entertainment industry. We're donating a portion of net sale profits to charity St. Jude's Children Research Hospital and Depression Alliance. - See more at:

sabato 5 luglio 2014

Mostra 5-6 luglio 2014 a Celle Ligure (Savona): Disegni al Sole; tema: MobilitiAmoci!!!


“A volte anche un mezzo di trasporto può fare la differenza e divenire simbolo di diritti e libertà sia per la nostra che per le altre culture, come la bicicletta: ecologica, economica, solidale. Filo conduttore che attraversa il tempo e i popoli che “difende” i più deboli restituendo loro dignità.”

(il 5-6 Luglio 2014, in mostra a Celle ligure; Concorso Disegni Al Sole:

That's a Mole!!!

This is my personal view of Mole Antoneliana...I hope you like it!

That's a Mole, concorso internazionale di illustrazione: 

domenica 27 aprile 2014

Progetto Utopos

Progetto Utopos...finalmente disponibile una versione prototipo dell’app su App Store...racconti e illustrazioni (alcune mie, tra cui Verdi;))...
....e a breve i nuovi racconti!!!